ISIS joins the great game in Central Asia 488 July 23, 2015 |
A frightening proposal to intern Muslim citizens 486 July 23, 2015 |
Building Sunni-Shi’a unity, one mosque visit at a time 484 July 23, 2015 |
Risk of American ‘megadroughts’ for decades, NASA warns 460 July 23, 2015 |
Tests show UK Quran manuscript is among world’s oldest 480 July 22, 2015 |
Germany’s first Islamic bank opens in Frankfurt city 640 July 22, 2015 |
Four Marines and gunman killed in Tennessee shootings | Reuters 478 July 17, 2015 |
Arabic the second most popular language for getting employed 476 July 16, 2015 |
Muslims applaud Snapchat’s live stream of Ramadan prayers in Mecca 462 July 15, 2015 |
Jesus Christ Guided Me to Islam! 1200 July 13, 2015 |
Syria’s neighbours now host 4 million of its refugees, U.N. says 458 July 10, 2015 |
U.N. announces weeklong humanitarian truce in Yemen 456 July 10, 2015 |
Kerry: ‘Tough issues’ remain for Iran nuke deal 454 July 10, 2015 |
The Srebrenica precedent 452 July 10, 2015 |
Strange victory: How the U.S. managed to make Afghanistan the world’s top heroin exporter 450 July 10, 2015 |
Our media’s ISIS threat hype machine: Government stenography at its worst 448 July 10, 2015 |
With world at ‘Edge of Abyss,’ new manifesto urges action on nukes and climate 446 July 10, 2015 |
Realistic expectations and the right Ramadan influence – Doing it for His sake 444 July 10, 2015 |
Muslim forum at British armed forces supports #WalkTogether at Iftar event 440 July 10, 2015 |
I felt Islam deep inside my heart 438 July 10, 2015 |
Is the global middle class a reality? Not quite, study finds. 427 July 10, 2015 |
Tech adds sense of belonging for Muslims during Ramadan 430 July 10, 2015 |
IBM announces breakthrough in chip technology 434 July 10, 2015 |
Religion In China Grows Among Young People, Islam Most Popular Among Followers Under 30: Report 431 July 9, 2015 |
Upbeat Rouhani says Iran readying for post-sanctions 425 July 9, 2015 |
In wartime Syria, bus depot is a bridge between two worlds 423 July 9, 2015 |
Beating ISIS won’t fix Iraq 421 July 9, 2015 |
Philippines asks tribunal to invalidate China’s sea claims 419 July 9, 2015 |
The euro-area crisis: Showing them the exit 417 July 9, 2015 |
Greece’s debt crisis is hurting its even poorer neighbors 415 July 9, 2015 |
Russia blocks U.N. resolution calling Srebrenica a genocide 413 July 9, 2015 |
The spotlight on Darfur is gone, but not the abuses 411 July 9, 2015 |
Exxon knew of climate change in 1981 – but it funded deniers for 27 more years 409 July 9, 2015 |
Islam most popular religion in China among youngsters: Survey 407 July 9, 2015 |
Muslim groups help raise $30,000 and counting to rebuild black churches 405 July 9, 2015 |
No ‘crisis in Islam’: Just apathy of so-called ‘historians’ 403 July 9, 2015 |
Countering anti-Muslim hostility with jokes, via ads, film and a festival 401 July 9, 2015 |
The Ramadan of adults balanced with the Ramadan of children 399 July 9, 2015 |
Ramadan: A good time break bad stereotypes 397 July 9, 2015 |
Dubai achieved goal to become capital of Islamic economy: Mohammed 395 July 9, 2015 |
Genetic tweaks are restoring hearing in animals, raising hopes for people 393 July 9, 2015 |
How to eliminate extreme poverty in 169 not-so-easy steps 391 July 8, 2015 |
The Prophet’s kindness to animals 389 July 8, 2015 |
Teachers join students on Ramadan fast to raise money for Cardiff Foodbank 387 July 8, 2015 |
On life, death and forgiveness during Ramadan 385 July 8, 2015 |
Ramadan through the eyes of a non-Muslim 383 July 8, 2015 |
Jeddah creates Guinness world record with longest iftar table 381 July 8, 2015 |
Ten years on, the undeniable, growing power of the BDS movement 379 July 8, 2015 |
Growing up Gazan: Tales of a Palestinian teen 377 July 8, 2015 |
Saudi Arabia puts big money in Russian economy 375 July 8, 2015 |